Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Road Goes Ever On

Well... It was one of those weeks. You know? The ones where nothing happens? Yup. The most exiting thing that happened was the unexpected journey we took out into the middle of nowhere in search of a man named Alvarez. We had taught him once before in front of a pile of bricks house on calle 1; a long, dirt road that leads out to the end of the world. At the end of the lesson, we asked what his address was and he told us, "Sometimes here, sometimes there." Oh. Okay. We'll just come back here. We planned to return Wednesday morning, but when we arrived at the house, the woman told us Alvarez lived further down the street. But further down the street? Nothing. We did find one house tucked away in a tangle of thorn bushes next the train tracks... But we didn't find Alvarez.
Doing Yard Work with Antonia

The youth in the branch here get together every Tuesday and Thursday at the church to play volleyball. A LOT of youth come; the majority, non-members. As missionaries, it's our job, our calling to introduce as many people to the gospel as physically possible. And this was an advantageous opportunity. So, Hna. Beckstead and I, along with the two elders in the branch, plotted to do just that. We wanted to show a quick video during the activity, a 5 minute Mormon Message or something. But we just haven't been able to organize ourselves sufficiently to actually do it... until this Thursday. After running around for an hour and a half, trying to figure out which cords connect to the projector and how the sound system in the chapel works, we managed to get the video up on the big screen. Success! The chapel filled up with volleyball youth and we played the video. After it ended, there was an uncomfortable silence... "Now what?" we silently communicated with the elders across the room. They shrugged. Finally, Darian, an outspoken new convert and the gangleader of the volleyball crowd shouted, "A FUERA!" (outside)  and the herd of youth filed out. It was a bit of a hassle at first, but I think it went pretty well in the end. A bunch of non-member youth had casual contact with church material.

With Andres, we've been bringing a recent convert of the Elders, Gerardo, to lessons. Needless to say, we managed to make things even MORE awkward. Here we are, two random North American girls teaching two middle-aged, Argentine men about the Law of Chastity. *facepalm* But it's been good to have Gerardo there. Now Andres has a friend.

I read a talk this week from President Eyring called "Where is the Pavilion?" It talks about how we are the ones that distance ourselves from God and not the other way around. God will never leave us. He will always be there. Even if we don't want Him there. But a lot of times, we don't recognize His presence. Especially in times of trial, we need to look for Him; reach out, maybe even a little blindly and say, "I'm here. What do you want me to do?" He will answer. And when we humbly accept His will over our own, we remember. And we see. He is never far from us. But we may be a little far from Him. I know He loves us. I know He's there. We just have to open our eyes a little.

Sending lots of love and besitos from the south,
Hermana Hein


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