Monday, January 26, 2015

The Move...and what happened next.

Whew... another week gone.

This week we had interviews with President and that was great. So laid back. President Franco is the coolest. And he's done SO MUCH for this mission. We're really so lucky to have him.

This week, we also FINALLY moved out of our old pensión. It would have been great, if we hadn't both been sick and the new pensión didn't have it's own arrangement of problems. The first day there, Hna. Fullmer was sleeping (because she's so sick) And I was just studying on my bed when OUT OF NOWHERE, there's WATER EVERYWHERE!! It had been raining diseased cats and three-legged dogs and our windows and door weren't water tight and alas. Flooded on the first day. Luckily, I was able to save everything before it all got ruined and the members who live below us were more than happy to help us. Also, our shower doesn't work. I was SO looking forward to having a shower for the first time in OVER A MONTH but alas... it was not to be. Back to the bucket and cup method.

This week, we had to work as a trio for a couple of days while Hna. Flores' comp. was in Cordoba. It was fun but also exhausting. Working in a trio is hard work. But Hna. Flores is de diez so it  was a lot of fun. And she helped us move on Friday.

Other than that, there's not much to report. The picture this week is of us with the Familia Neumann. They're the greatest but they're moving to Salta in a couple of weeks. We're really sad about it. Also, Hermana Fullmer and I at entrevistas! Yay!

Here's hoping this week brings better health and lots of work. I'm pretty sure we're going to Pirané again for divisiones so that will be fun. But sooner than we know it, another transfer will be gone. How crazy.

Until next week, well wishes.
Hermana Hein

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